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I began writing as a little girl. My grandmother would always tell me I had such a wonderful gift. As I grew older I really just thought she was saying it because she had to and not because I was actually good at it. After going through many hard things in life I realized the only way I could “feel better” or work things out in my mind was to write them down. As soon as I would begin to write I could see the situation in a new light and feel a weight lift off of my shoulders. fast forward to full blown adult hood. I rarely wrote anything except for checks to pay the bills and the thousand signatures it takes to fill out school forms for my kids. Then one day I was thrown into what I still see as the biggest trial of my life. It not only affected me, but my entire family, and all of the people around me. During that time the Lord impressed heavily upon me it was time to start writing, and I did. I started out with a few devotional books that came from my reading and studying of God’s word. I still felt as though those topics just weren’t what He wanted me to do. I realized very quickly I was supposed to tell everyone about what was going on. Not so they could know my business or feel sorry for me, but so they could see it’s happened to someone else. So they could all see the glory of God in the midst of terrible circumstances. So they could see He really does work it all out for the good of those who love Him ( Romans 8:28) and also see if you are willing to make the sacrifice and allow Him to change you, your entire life can be something you’ve only dreamed of.

“Even If” is about my experience of learning to praise God in the midst of my circumstance no matter what they may look like. We all go through dark places that we don’t think it’s possible to come out of, whether we are there because of our own actions or the actions of someone else. Those days when all you want to do is crawl in a dark hole and never come out. God is there and He wants to wrap His arms around you and guide you to the way out and show you that it doesn’t matter what things might look like or what other people say. He will always make a way and take care of you.
Am I doing it right? Does it even matter what anyone else thinks of me? There are so many questions that run through our minds as we try to live right. Between social media and T.V. we are constantly bombarded with everyone else’s opinion about how we should feel, how we should live our lives. Some days it seems almost impossible to think for ourselves while we have so many other people telling us how to act or think. “The Attitude Of My Heart” shows you what God thinks. When we read His Word for ourselves we will find that following Him comes with a peace and a joy that can not be found by following the latest trend (that you didn’t really like anyway). There is freedom in finding out who you were made to be.